Word document containing
the entire manuscript consisting of the
following order: title, authors (initials, separated by dots without
interspaces, followed by surname (not the other way around), affiliations,
abstract, keywords, text, acknowledgements,
conflicts of interest statement, references, tables, and figure legends.
(c)Scanned written permissions from the
copyright holders for quotations or graphic artwork from previously published
material; sent electronically as above.
(d)Never send any pdf
(e)Manuscripts for the proceedings
must submit using the system.
Instructions for Preparing Manuscripts
Manuscript specifications
i.The whole of the manuscript should be
written single-spaced and submitted as a WORD file only. The text should go
continuously; do not start a new
section on a separate page.
ii.The manuscript should consist of
standard sections: title, authors,
affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results,
discussion, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, references. The
sections are not numbered.
iii.Maximum manuscript length = 5,000
words (not including abstract, tables, figures, legends, and references)
iv.Maximum 5 figures
v.Maximum 5 tables
vi.Maximum 30 references
2. Page configuration
2.1. Paper size: A4.
2.2. All
margins = 2.5 cm
2.3.Exception: Title margins 5 cm on both sides..
Abstract – maximum 200 words
minimum five – maximum ten. Keywords come below the abstract, separated from
the abstract by a blank line.
Manuscript style
4.1.Font: Times New
4.2.Font sizes:
title comes first -14 pt bold. Capitalize each word, excluding prepositions, articles,
and conjunctions. Maximum 150 characters (including spaces).
– 10 pt bold.Use full names but it is
possible to use initials of first names only follow by dot (e.g., J.S. Smith). Put a conjunction
'and' before the last author's name. You must register
all names dividing Family name and given name.
-Affiliations – 10pt; Use
superscripts after the surnames (not letters and not in front of names) to
relate affiliations to authors.
-Title, authors, and affiliations
should be separated from each other by two blind lines.
-Section Headings – 12pt bold
1.2. etc
each word
Leave one spaces above and if possible one space below headings
Subheadings – 11pt. bold
one space above and below subheadings
-Body of text –
11 pt
come at the end of body text
are followed by an obligatory statement of competing interests of conflicts of interest; e.g., 'The authors declare
no conflicts of interest in relation to this article', or you have to disclose
any potential conflicts of interest you may have
-Figure legends,
table legends, and references – 9 pt
5. Figures
5.1. Name your figure files with
"Fig" and the figure number, e.g., Fig.1.
5.2. Plots and graphs containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in them
5.3. Line art, black and white graphics with no shading. Do not use faint lines, halftones, and/or faint
5.4. Scanned artwork should have a
minimum resolution of 1200 dpi.
5.5. Keep lettering size
consistent throughout all figures, e.g., 8-12 pt font)
5.6. Do not include titles or captions
into illustrations.
5.7. Number figures consecutively
(Fig. 1, Fig. 2) and figure panels should be denoted with uppercase
letters (A, B. C, D).
Avoid color figures, as they may incur extra costs.
6.1. Number tables sequentially with Arabic numbers (e.g. Table 1).
shades, no colors, no bold in the tables. No internal division lines.
6.2. Avoid vertical lines in tables and use horizontal
lines as sparingly as possible
6.3. Generate
tables in Microsoft Word, not in Excel.
tables in the same file as text, references, and figure legends
6.4. Sample of the Table
7. Legends for figures and title for tables
Put a figure legend below the figure and a table title above the table.
Figures and tables with the
corresponding legends should be inserted in the text by the author.
8. Expressions
8.1A numerical value and a unit
The numerical
value should use Arabic numerals, using the International System of Units (SI)
as a principle.
Expression and
mathematical characters are the following formulas as independent of the text
or as when they come directly into the text.
The font for expressions is the same as for other parts of the text.
8.3.Formula numbers must be expressed as (1), (2),
and when referring to it
9.1. References should be cited in
text by numbers in superscript (example: 1),3), 8), )
9.2. References in the reference list
should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text
9.3.Examples of references in the reference list:
1) Di Giulio, C., J Antosiewicz, J., Walski, M., Petruccelli, G. V Verratti,
V., G Bianchi & Pokorski, M. 2009. Physiological carotid body denervation
during aging. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 648: 257-63.
2) Gilman, A.G., Rall, T.W., Nies, A.S., & P. Taylor (Eds.). 1990. Goodman and Gilman'sThePharmacological Basis ofTherapeutics. 8th ed.,New York, NY:Pergamon Press, pp. 625-30.
10. Footnotes
avoid the footnote and appendix if possible, and use it only when unavoidable.
Attention: Approval from the
Ethics Committee to perform the study, as the first sentence in the Methods,
and the conflict of interest statement after the main
body of text, second to Acknowledgments area must.
Without these statements, the articles will not be considered.