The Biophilia Editing Committee

1. Purpose of our journal 

i) Dissemination of the knowledge on the need to establish a new civilization which would not see the increasing number of the elderly is a negative factor through the restructuring of the rehabilitation medicine and the Biophilia rehabilitation

ii) Publishing of educational and research papers

iii) Sharing the latest tendencies and discoveries in the related fields of science 

iv) Publishing various matters processed at the International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy (IBRA)

v) Recording events connected with the development of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy


2. Contributor's qualification 

Although the contributions to the journal are favored from the members of IBRA in principle, the journal invites outside contribution in this area of science as well.

In addition, everyone who participates in the International Biophilia Rehabilitation Conference and workshop becomes automatically an affiliated member of IBRA. 


3. Kind of paper 

3.1. Original paper:

i.     It is an article, which is written as based on a logical and clear concept, summarizes one’s  research findings, and leads to concrete conclusions.

ii.    Originality is ascertained by new information or a presentation of a theory.

iii.  The article that the Biophilia Editing Committee has accepted as novel and original. 


3.2. Report:

An article that is accepted as useful and meaningful in the biophilia rehabilitation field, although its originality is not searched for.

3.3. Case study:

 An article describing a case study ofa specific clinical problem and its meaning, . 

3.4. Short news:

Similar to a short report

   3.5. Review:

By invitation of the Biophilia Editing Committee


4. Conditions which should be provided 

4.1. An article contributed to the Biophilia Journal cannot be submitted for publication, published or announced somewhere else.

4.2. A paper announced in languages which are not used internationally, such as the Japanese language, can be published after an adequate translation into English.

4.3. At the time of the contribution to the journal, NATIVE CHECK of a manuscript is indispensable. Please attach proof of NATIVE CHECK. 


5. About a manuscript form

Please refer to the guidelines.


6. Acceptance of manuscript 

6.1. The Biophilia Editing Committee decides about the acceptance, revision, or rejection, and of a manuscript.

6.2. Following the editorial policy and the result of refereeing, the Biophilia Editing Committee may ask for a partial change or modifications of a manuscript according to the decision of the Editing Committee.

7. Separate Printing

Off-prints can be produced at request at an additional cost.


8. Copyright

The copyright of the paper published by the journal belongs to the IBRA.


9. Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically using the WEB. Please click: submit

(a)           As a Word document containing the entire manuscript consisting of the following order: title, authors (initials, separated by dots without interspaces, followed by surname (not the other way around), affiliations, abstract, keywords, text, acknowledgements, conflicts of interest statement, references, tables, and figure legends.

(b)          A completed, signed and then scanned Copyright Transfer Form should be sent electronically to takizawa@

(c)           Scanned written permissions from the copyright holders for quotations or graphic artwork from previously published material; sent electronically as above.

(d)          Never send any pdf files.


10. Inportant notice

10.1 Kinds of Articles, Changed 

This journal specified only one kind of the original paper at the beginning. 

The committee asked to the every contributor that they must describe the information of the Ethics Committee examination to this classification.

However both of referees accept the refereeing result to be a paper concerning the article "Development of Motivative Exercise Device and Standardization Approach for Evaluation of Walk Ability in Disabled Elderly", the state of being irrational that the committee could not perform paper adoption in order that there was no Ethics Committee examination caused.

Furthermore, the same contradiction cause on the paper "Brain Activity During Motivative Exercise Versus Passive ROM Exercise by fMRI", the committee member related to the social science expressed the statistical inspection is indispensable if we adopt it a paper.

This results caused because we decided that classifications of the article were prepared without taking into consideration the feature which publishes not only a medical paper but an engineering paper, and a social science paper, then we changed it into the classification shown below from volume No. 3.

Original article (Clinical)

Original article (Research)

Translated article

Case study


Short news

Review article




Within this correction, the Ethics Committee examination is indispensable in a paper examination of concerning people in connection with the Original article (Clinical). And the statistical inspection is desirable. 

The novelty and originality are promoted with the emphasis on Original article (Research) and it will be examined if the candidate's consent has been obtained. And the Ethics Committee examination and statistical inspection is desirable. 

Two papers regarded as the report in this classification in the BIOPHILIA 2-1, 

Development of Motivative Exercise Device and Standardization Approach for Evaluation of Walk Ability in Disabled Elderly would be evaluated the Original article (Research) and Brain Activity During Motivative Exercise Versus Passive ROM Exercise by fMRIwould be evaluated Original article (Clinical).

We recommend you to contribute consulting the above-mentioned information to choose paper classification. 

10.2 Note for figures and tables

The following information shows how to discribe Tables and Figs.

The title of
Figures: Fig .1. ○○○○”     The title of Tables: Table 1.

Fig .1A. ○○○○”                     Table 1A.

The explanatory note for Figures: Fig. 1. Aaaaaaaaa     Fig. 1A. Aaaaaaaaa

The explanatory note for Tables: Table 1.            Table 1A.  

In contextFigure 1 is the sumple    , Fig.1A and 1B show aaaaaaaa

In contextTable 1 shows aaaaaa   ,   Table1-3 show aaaaaa