Previous English papers in Japanese Biophilia Rehab. Journal 2010 Construction of Community Biophilia Rehabilitation Network for the Disabled Elderly The Relation between Concentric and Eccentric Exercise and the Carbohydrate Metabolism in Healthy Individuals 2007 Deployment of the health education program in a healthy city 2006 A reality and the future of the consumer education to the elderly and with slight dementia Proposition for the innovation of the rehabilitation medicine -Retrospection and reflection related to mechanism of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation- 2004 AN APPLICATION OF THE CIVIL TECHNOLOGY TO THE SUSTAINABLE AGED SOCIETY Clinical evaluation of a new type of walker with a seat and two fore sleds Consumption behavior and its influence on their physical and mental function of fragile elderly and elderly with slight dementia Statistical Evaluation of Rehabilitation to the Disabled Elderly based Takizawa-Program