Dr. Anda Nulle Chair of the Board National Rehabilitation
center “Vaivari”, Latvia President of Latvian Assotiation of Rehabilitation
Physicians Riga Stradins University
Good morning,
Dear profesor Takizawa, dear profesor Ancane, dear guests from Japan, dear colleques, ladies and gentelmen!
It's a great pleasure for me to be here in opening ceremony of international conference of Biophilia. It is wonderful to open the mind to new knowledge and experience.
I bring greetings and good wishes from Jurmala, from National rehabilitation center “Vaivari” and from all rehabilitation physicians of Latvia.
As a President of Latvian assotiation of rehabilitation physicians I would like to note importance of healthy aging concept in rehabilitation medicine.
Short version of definition of Rehabilitation medicine:
”The use of all means aimed at reducing the impact of disabling conditions to achieve optimal social integration and quality of life.”
And it means we have to work all together with different methods to achieve better results and better functioning and better quality of life.
I wish you interesting, fruitfull day during Conference and nice time in our beautiful country.
I am sure that we can use together our minds for the best solution in our every day work with patients.
With that, I wish you an excellent Conference ahead.
Thank you.