22-27, Oct. 2015 


Invitation to IBRC 2015
12th INTERNATIONAL BIOPHILIA REHABILITATION CONFERENCE, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan; October 22nd - 27th, 2015.


International experience in the field of IBRA (International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy), allows us to continue to develop a course of experimental research and several years of innovation on rehabilitation: in this context also the 12th conference IBRC will be a great opportunity of study and discussion on these issues.

The rehabilitative intervention begins at the very moment when the damage is established.

This is is defined by a careful balance between stabilization of the outcomes and the presence of potential for recovery.

This integrated social-health path is in intimate connection with programs of health intervention, aimed at developing all the potential resources of the individual that amplify and reinforce the rehabilitation intervention, allowing the integration or reintegration of the patient in the different cycles of social life and improvement of quality of life and survival.

Types of disability and handicap pose new problems and progressively increasing as evidenced by the most recent epidemiological data relating to serious disability such as that arising from serious brain damage as trauma, states of coma, vascular malformations, spinal cord injury cervical complete, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, respiratory failure, and so on.

The evaluation and programming of the intervention should follow the WHO recommendations, endorsed by the Europe Council, and we should consider inadequate in rehabilitation ICD (International Classification of Diseases references) and so we have to integrate them with the classification of the consequences Disease, as well as contained in the ICIDH (International Classification of Impairment, Disabilities and Handicaps) of WHO.

Today, the rehabilitation intervention, based on our experience is aimed towards four objectives:

- The recovery of a functional competence which, for pathological reasons, has been lost;

- The evocation of a skill that did not appear during development;

- The need to put a barrier to functional regression trying to modify the natural history of chronic diseases and reducing the risk factors and the progression;

- The possibility of finding facilitating and alternatives formulas based on consistent and integrated.scientific research

This further comparison in Japan as part of the International Rehabilitation Conference in Tokyo and Kyoto 22 to 27 October 2015 will be the achievement of states of knowledge and the development of further research in the field of rehabilitation.

I wish us all a fruitful conference that will be the successful culmination of all the positive forecasts announced.

Prof. Raoul Saggini
Director of the Medical Postgraduate School in Physical And Rehabilitation Medicine
President of the Degree Course in Physiotherapy
“Gabriele d’Annunzio” University Chieti- Pescare Italy
Italian National Coordinator of the Medical Postgraduate Schools in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine