Prof. Raoul Saggini
Message In the context of international exchange in Italy took place during the 10th IBRC, different topics were dealt with brilliantly and many projects have been started. Many opportunities for discussion have opened during the analysis of the proposals presented during the scientific and cultural exchange in the context of EBM. Targets set for 2014 are the identification of shared rehabilitation protocols based on validated and universally recognized methodologies in a multi specialists collaboration perspective. The 11th IBRC will outline the possibility of exploiting these international comparisons to create important guidelines in the world of rehabilitation and management of acute and chronic patients. The certainty of a meeting full of prospects for the future as start from what was developed during the international event of 2013 which opened the way to new prospects, certainly useful for the scientific community, for health professionals and for patients who live states of weakness that managed together will lead to a significant increase of the homeostatic potentialities.