10th IBRC, Campus Universitario di Madonna delle Piane, CHIETI University Chieti, Italy; October 15. 2013,
"Toward the Realization of Two Paradigm Shifts; Restructuring the Rehabilitation medicine, and Consciousness Change Enabling the Elderly Contribution to the Super-Aged Society Sustainable"


Prof. Taki Shigeo Takizawa,

President of International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy
Biophilia Institute, Designated and Registered Institute by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan


On behalf of International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy, I am pleased to make a message to international friends especially to Italian friends. It is my great pleasure to have IBRC2013 in Chieti, Italy.

The aging society is getting larger in every country, especially in Northern hemisphere of the earth. The average life span of Italian and Japanese is already over eighty years old. It means that both countries are similar to advanced aging countries. In order to establish a sustainable super aged society, it is necessary to seek counsel of the many.

I started the study on how to make the aged people live independently in 1987, because we must try to reduce the care needed people by providing for them their ability to do taking into account respective daily life and fiscal standards.

We are fortunate that the conference chair, Professor Di Giulio and the co-chair Professor Tanaka from Japan hold the IBRC 2013, as the memorial 10th conference.

Also the congratulatory message from Minister Akira Amari, minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy, Japan will be served for the first time. Through the nine previous conferences, we have had a lot of scientific yield from the combined domains of medical, engineering, sociological, and administrative fields.

I am looking forward another fruitful meeting here in Italy which holds a great opportunity for all the participants and human beings at this anniversary 10th conference.