Internal Medicine-Cardiology, Medical Center Manila
Organizing Committee for the Philippines
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE: My Dear Colleagues, you are cordially invited to join us in the forthcoming 3rd JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON DISABILITY AND BIOPHILIA REHABILITATION CONFERENCE MANILA, PHILIPPINES. It is our great honor and privilege to host this prestigious scientific event. Our organizing committee together with the Biophilia executive director Shigeo Takizawa and Prof. Hiroshi Nagasawa, vice-president and chairman of the Japanese organizing committee have prepared an array of very interesting and updated topics on rehabilitation, assistive technology, computer and kinetics, contemporary sports, adaptive strategies, special education and many other important topics. Of course, you will never miss the warm hospitality that is truly Filipino. On behalf of our organizing committee for the Philippines, we look forward to seeing you on September 16-18, 2004.