/ International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy/ /The 3rd IBRC, MANILA PHILIPPINES /   

on SEP.16-18, 2004, at MANILA PHILIPPINES


Tkizawa, Shigeo
Founder / Inventor

Chair of the First and Second International Biophilia Rehabilitation ConferenceVice president and Executive director of the Biophilia Rehabilitation AcademyPresident of Biophilia Institute Inc.

I am honored to address at the 3rd Joint International Congress on Disability and Biophilia Rehabilitation Conference.

Those who are engaged in rehabilitation services in Japan often argue that rehabilitation is not only about functional training today.  What is ‘holistic rehabilitation of disabled people’?  Is it to live by one’s self in an inconvenient environment using all the remaining body functions effectively?  There are many cases in which disabled people gradually become dysfunctional and must stay in bed for the rest of the life.

 In this case, do we still call this situation a ‘holistic rehabilitation’?

In Japan, there are 730,600 disabled elderly people who are considered bedridden. This number is growing every year.  To keep this fact in our minds, we must pay close attention to the functional training that enables us to facilitate spastic paralysis.  We have proven, in numerous cases, that the elderly people, who had become bedridden despite the fact that had been rehabilitated through previous methods, stood up from their bedridden situation and reacquired walking through our research.

 We held the 8th Domestic Biophilia Rehabilitation Conference in Japan. It was the first attempt to account for the improvement and recovery of the functions of extremities of the patients in the impairment stage from two aspects;
1) genetic research aspect and
2) neurological research aspect which is related to a re-innervation or the possibility of reconstruction of neural transmission or neuranagenesis.

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