/ International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy/ /The 2nd IBRC, Windsor Canada /

  Supported by: The City of Windsor, California State University, Northridge Center On Disabilities and
The Association for Technical Aids, Japanese Foundation--Dated Nov.1, 2003

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Taki Takizawa, Shigeo

Chief researcher of Biophilia Institute
Executive director, Vice president of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy

Takizawa is involved in informing public the fact that the elderly who has a cerebrovascular disease or a femoral head fracture can live independently without being bedridden through the missions of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy. 

What does the Biophilia mean?
An etymology of a biophilia is Latin and is also mentioned with the instinct of the preservation of race as defined in Japanese-English dictionaries, in American dictionaries it is defined as an appreciation for life. And also bio is life and philia is love in Greek.
The preface of "The Revolution of Hope" as described by Erich Fromm who is an American philosopher is a reference for biophilia.
He described "The love of life which exists in most of us is a latent power that is mobilized and whose behavior can change and can bring about change when life is threatened by danger and is fully recognized."
A representation, which has been authorized by Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy according to the Takizawa' proposal, of "the heart and /or will that motivates a person to keep a respectful life even when they became handicapped" is done based on the description of biophilia as described by Erich Fromm.
Takizawa explains all those carefully in the Key-note lecture. You who finished listening will appreciate "What the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy is." and ".Who Takizawa is.".
"What does the Biophilia Rehabilitation mean?", "Why do researchers establish the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy Rehabilitation Academy?" and "What is the subject that the academy is grappling with?”
Takizawa explains all those carefully in the Key-note lecture. You who finished listening will appreciate "What the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy is." and ".Who Takizawa is."

You can understand that even if the person who is an elderly with disability, has a cerebrovascular didease or a femoral head fracture can live independently without being bedridden through the introduction of the Motivative exercises using the devices developed on the basis of the Takizawa rehabilitation method.
Thereon your knowledge will change into the conviction according to listening to the general presentations in the symposium.

We are pleased to announce that Takizawa, Shigeo will keynote The Second International Biophilia Rehabilitation Conference, "From Care Reliance To Independence", to be held in Windsor Ontario, Canada on November 1, 2003.